I Have A Good Life

I am honored and humbled knowing I’ve lived an amazing life thus far! Looking forward to the journey ahead and the amazing things life will bring! I have a good life!

10 thoughts on “I Have A Good Life

  1. Pingback: I Have A Good Life — Orlando Espinosa | tonysonblogger

  2. You are such an inspiration, Orlando. I’m with you on this though, I’ve had a wonderful life also. I’m lucky to still be around to talk about it, having led a really fun life that included drag racing at a local pit mine, but hey, you’re only young once, right?

      • My pleasure dear friend. Should I ask how many birthdays this makes? I’ve celebrated 74 so far, hoping to make it to 75 but not sure since my latest update from my doctor. Every day is a birthday for me now, though. Each one brings something new and wonderful to see and celebrate.

      • I turned 45 today! My Mom turned 74 in February! You are right Angie. Every day is a celebration and gift. All of our days are numbers, so it’s important that we enjoy everyday!!! 🙂 Thank you for the Birthday wishes! 🙂

      • That makes you younger than my youngest, unless you count his actual number of birthdays. He’s a Leap Year baby, so only 6 years old now. He doesn’t mind so much now but sure hated it when he was younger. My Mom would have been 98 on February 4, but we lost her almost three years ago.

      • Thanks, Orlando. That’s too funny about your grandmother sharing a birthday with my son. He really should have been a girl to really appreciate the birthday.

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